Submission of video (only for participants out of Mexico)

For remote accepted talks, authors outside of Mexico could send a video of 15 minutes, the deadline for the video sending will be September 8. The video file name must have the number of sessions and the name of the author,  i.e.: S1_33_Author_Name.mp4

Submission of presentations 

All the authors can upload their presentations here, at least three hours before their talks. The presentation file name must have the number of session and the name of the author,  i.e.: S1_33_Author_Name.pdf

Full length paper submission

Full-length papers submission must be as indicated in the acceptance letter.

The scope of the works is in the area of ​​dynamic systems and not limited to the following topics:

Submission of abstracts (now closed) 

We strongly recommend to send the abstract for the program definition

Oral participations will be defined by the organizing committee according to existing availability.

Organizer institutions
